Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I've been working on my portfolio some over the past few days and hope I have everything together. The presentation will have to be done at school, since I don't have internet at home right now and I need to insert some images of the websites and links, etc. I hope I'm including everything I need to within the porfolio: planning tools, printouts of webpages, notes for the grant, the completed grant, a unit outline, etc.

I may do a trial run of my presentation to my intern tomorrow. She's been very interested in the project and has been helpful in finding other grant sources for other projects, so I think she'll be a good objective sounding board.

Logic Model

I found the logic model to be very helpful in distilling down the important points of what a library's mission should be. Throughout this process, I kept seeing applications for it in unit planning and use with students in their own writing or planning science projects. It's a neat way to look at the key components without the clutter that some graphic organizers can get into with kids (ex. webs can get out of control and wander from the main topics).

I'm still working on my logic model worksheet, but hope to have that sent to the group tomorrow. We currently don't have internet at the house, between holidays and weather, we can't seem to get the technician to come out. So, I'm doing everything either at the public library or school, and we haven't had school yet this week, so it's made life a bit interesting. I'm going to try to copy Kelly's model worksheet to my flash drive so that I can work on it at home and then email it in the morning, but I need to do that since my time is running out on this session at the public library.