Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I've been working on my portfolio some over the past few days and hope I have everything together. The presentation will have to be done at school, since I don't have internet at home right now and I need to insert some images of the websites and links, etc. I hope I'm including everything I need to within the porfolio: planning tools, printouts of webpages, notes for the grant, the completed grant, a unit outline, etc.

I may do a trial run of my presentation to my intern tomorrow. She's been very interested in the project and has been helpful in finding other grant sources for other projects, so I think she'll be a good objective sounding board.

1 comment:

Allyson McFalls said...

I finally figured out why I keep posting things in the wrong blog! The order changes based on the most recently used one, so instead of them always being in the same order, they change each time... makes so much sense, but so confusing at the same time! :)