Monday, September 29, 2008

LSA collaboration immediate thoughts

So, I think this LSA collaboration will be interesting, to say the least. I don't feel like we accomplished much more than getting meeting times together, methods of communication (discussion board and AETZ meetings weekly), and introductions, but I guess that's a start. It was a bit frustrating not to actually get into the project, as the LSA students were asked to log out 20 minutes early to discuss other things with their class, but I guess we'll get those details ironed out over the next few weeks.

I also found it frustrating that they didn't have mics and one didn't have a working laptop. I know that those are tech issues, but it's difficult sometimes to read people just through text. I hope that when we meet again on Monday of next week that they'll have mics so that we can really chat.

More to come later, I'm sure.

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